
Welcome to my blog. I'm excited to share with all of you paleo inspired family friendly EASY recipes and wellness tips. Have a nice stay, and join me again soon!

Chocolate Banana Popsicles

Chocolate Banana Popsicles

Fudge popsicles were always a favorite of mine as a child. I'm sure some of you enjoyed those same ones full of artificial ingredients and refined sugars. So I created these using bananas and honey to sweeten and raw cacao powder which is full of antioxidants and high in magnesium. The coconut milk makes these so creamy and filling as well. You can give these to your kids knowing they are packed full of healthy ingredients and not loaded with tons of sugar. And, for all you adults, I hope when you  bite into one of these they will bring you back to your childhood eating that fudge pop on that hot summer day!

Servings: 4-6


  • 1 can full fat coconut milk
  • 3 TBSP raw cacao powder
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 2-3TBSP raw honey or maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 scoops collagen peptides (Feel free to leave this out I just like any opportunity to sneak in some extra protein)  

Directions: Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend until all ingredients are completely mixed. Pour mixture into  a popsicle mold put in freezer until completely frozen.


Avocado Tuna Salad

Avocado Tuna Salad

Toxic Chemicals In Sunscreens And What You Can Do About It!

Toxic Chemicals In Sunscreens And What You Can Do About It!